Ancient Mathematical and Scientific Discoveries
Our ancestors weren't slouches. They cracked mathematical mysteries and built mind-bending devices that sometimes vanished from human memory, only to be reinvented millennia later.
Our ancestors weren't slouches. They cracked mathematical mysteries and built mind-bending devices that sometimes vanished from human memory, only to be reinvented millennia later.
The concept of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, also known as Lamarckism, was first proposed by French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in the early 19th century. Lamarck believed that organisms could pass on traits or characteristics that they acquired during their lifetime to their offspring. Lamarck argued that an organism'
Scientists are using a new method to study black holes that could unlock the secrets of quantum gravity. The method uses a two-dimensional matrix to describe the three-dimensional surface of a black hole. This could help scientists understand the event horizon and unlock secrets about our universe.
Our world would be impossible without quantum mechanics — but we still don’t have a narrative of how it works.
Today, more than three years after the release of the first-ever image of a black hole, scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) shared an image of Sagittarius A* — the supermassive specimen sitting at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy.
As far as we can tell, there's no limit to how far it goes on; only a limit to how far we can see. Could the Universe truly be infinite?
To answer any physical question, you must ask the Universe itself. But what happens when the answers aren't around anymore?
The undetermined nature of the newly discovered waves promises "novel physics" about the Sun and stars, reports a new study.
It came from deep space, moving at the speed of light, and crashed into Antarctica. Deep below the ice, it met its end. It wasn't an asteroid or alien spacecraft, but a particle that rarely interacts with matter, known as a neutrino.
This simple model of the universe shows how one natural law points toward order.
A seemingly intractable black hole paradox first proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking could finally be resolved — by wormholes through space-time.
If you only look at one “space photo” this year then this one has to be it. Here it is to download—the Sun, our life-giver, in stunning 83-megapixel glory. You can zoom-in like never before to see close-up its filaments and flares.