
Robert Bly's Sibling Society
I found Mr. Bly yanking the shadow out of me. In fact, I thought about throwing the book across the room a few times. However, such is often the case when a powerful author makes their point. To Bly the medium is the message. So, I suspect we won’t

An Accidental Buddhist
Living is so much more difficult than dying. Letting go is so much easier than hanging on. I’ve become an accidental Buddhist. A friend asked me the other day what I thought happened after death. I told him that I wasn’t sure but that I was looking forward

Is Life Important to You?
On Sunday August 18, 1996 (yesterday), my girlfriend and I went to Piedmont Park in Atlanta for a picnic. After lunch we walked around the park and just enjoyed the day. Then, I came upon a group of artists that were having an exhibition. However, this was no ordinary exhibition.
Humor So Dark and Twisted
My Motivation is Pretty Low...
Life has been pretty laid back here. California just seems to do that to everyone. I’m about to finish up at one company and I’m moving soon to work for another. They’ve got some huge, cool project they want me to be on. I feel like I’

Not So Deep Thoughts
I remember being in middle school and just listening to records (that’s pre-CDs for you youngsters) in my room and wondering to myself why no one else seemed to listen to the same kind of music I did. I mean this wasn’t fringe, cool to listen to, counter-cultural

Breathe the Air
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau “The mass of

Free Your Mind
Every Thursday night I would leave for school – driving through the Central Valley to Santa Barbara to study Jungian Psychology. Before I would hit the Grapevine, I would always seem to be listening to the disco hit, “Don’t Leave Me This Way.” My heart is full of love and
Consultants: A Necessary Evil?
I’ve read several books on how to negotiate in business. They all pretty much say the thing. Of course, the grand-daddy of all of these is “What Color is Your Parachute?” I read this way back when I was negotiating for my first job. Usually negotiating isn’t high
Nana is my Mom's Mom ...
and my grandmother. In a reality of divorce, cross-country moves, and a new school every year, my Nana and her little home in Kentucky have been unlikely pillars in my life. The only place I can go to as an adult that I remember as a child. The only person
I'd Pick More Daisies
If I had my life to live over, I’d dare to make more mistakes next time. I’d relax, I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains